Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stupid BMI

I went to the doctor today to get a copy of my immunization record and have my TB test read. While I'm sitting there on the table waiting for the doctor to come in, I notice a strategically placed BMI chart. I placed on finger on my weight and another on my height and traced the two until they the "overweight" section. I swear that chart was made by a skinny bitch. Seriously, I was probably my ideal weight freshman year in high school, when I hardly ate much of anything. Now that I've had three kids, my "ideal" weight is anything that doesn't offend others. Thanks for a great start to my awesome day of "what the hell".

And just to add to my wonderful day: my teeth hurt. Chris and I went and got our first invisalign retainers today. It sounded like a good idea at the time - not so much anymore. I have to say that this might be the key to loosing all that baby weight since it's such a pain to eat anything. The first three attempts at eating today failed miserably because I couldn't get the stupid retainers out.
Here's the updates:

Olivia had her weight check yesterday. Looks like formula is working for her, a little. She's only gained 1 1/2 lbs and still occupies the same spot on the growth chart - around 5th percentile. She's just a peanut. I tried telling the pediatrician this at our last appointment when he demanded that I stop breastfeeding right then and there. He didn't listen. Instead, he made me feel like a horrible mother and a failure. As he was explaining the chart to me and where she stood at present, he said "looks like we just have a little one on our hands". Duh. Whatever dude. You just ruined a perfectly good and comfortable nursing relationship between me and my last baby and all you have to say is that I was right in the first place. Makes me want to cry.

As for Project Organization, we're done. Well almost. We skipped the basement since we really can't do anything down there until the termites vacate the premises. We expect to be able to organize down there by the end of next month. It feels really good to have a clean and organized house.

We're also in the process of signing Jacob up for a little league challenge team for children with disabilities. He is the biggest sports fan ever. He has been bugging me to sign him up for baseball, basketball, and soccer for the longest time. I haven't been able to find anything that he can play until recently. It breaks my heart as a mother to know that he'll never get a chance to play the sports he loves like the other kids. I'm still on the hunt for a wheelchair basketball team since his chair will be in soon but I haven't been able to find anything around here. I just want to see him happy, proud of himself and his accomplishments. He truly is my hero.

What a crazy post.


Michelle Lynn said...

Uh, yeah on the stupid BMI chart. I think you are perfect, by the way. And that doc? He needs to be slapped upside his head. Idiot.

Glad to see you back.

Hf said...

Ditto stupid BMI.

Docs do not know everything.

Yay! for sports glad you could find something for Jake.