Thursday, May 15, 2008

back in the swing

So after a whole 6 days of vacation, I'm back at school. I can't believe summer was so short ;)

To top it off, Olivia figured she'd welcome me back to the hectic lifestyle by staying up all night. Poor thing had a high fever. I still don't know what was bothering her but I know she wasn't happy about it. While brushing my teeth before bed, I heard her whimpering (this is where I mutter "wonderful" with a mouth full of toothpaste). I figured I could give her the binkie and all would be good. Not so much. What was suppose to be a five second fix turned into an all nighter. Chris and I stayed up in shifts. I stayed up until 4:45a when I finally passed her off.

Chris complained that I took the "easy" time and next time he's taking the first shift. In all my exhaustion, I felt like kicking him. Yeah, I had the "easier" time since I did the bath, the rocking, the swaying, the dancing, the shhhh-ing, the massage, the bottle, the diaper changes (yes, there were multiple) - which led to multiple pj changes, etc. That was so much easier than changing her diaper once before walking down 12 stairs, lifting the blanket on the couch, slipping beneath it, and falling asleep. Whew...that was tiresome buddy!


Hf said...

hope she feels better soon! Hugs for short summer.

Daily Verses said...

Poor girl. I hope she is all better.

Michelle Lynn said...

Poor thing. I hope she's better. And, um, yeah... My husband is liek that too. All drama. He's got it SO rough.