Friday, April 18, 2008

attack of the ladybugs

Nap time was going well until Madison let out an ear piercing scream. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, convinced that she was seriously hurt. I opened the door to find my little girl running in place, bringing her knees to her chest and stomping her feet hard and quick. I tried to settle her down to find out what was wrong but all I got was a silent cry and a finger pointed toward the window. I looked up to find numerous ladybugs happily exploring her garden themed room. I promptly sent my bug-a-phobic (I'm sure there is a real term for this "______phobia") daughter down stairs to relax as I continued to gather ladybugs. Since I need all the luck I can get right now, I decided to gather them up and toss them out the window. Probably not one of my smarter decisions but at least I didn't kill them. I'm sure I missed a couple and I'll pay for it at 2am when she finds them in her bed but I did my best.

This is not the first time we've had an influx of ladybugs. I just don't know how they are coming in or where they are coming from.

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