Monday, April 28, 2008

the week of finals

Stress, stomachaches, uncontrollable nerves, stress induced IBS, inability to eat, insomnia. Sounds great right? These are just a few of my issues as I prepare for and begin finals.

As I was attempting to prepare for my first exam this morning, all three kids felt compelled create a chaotic atmosphere. This did not facilitate the retention of the study materials I was reading. First the fighting, then the yelling, the hitting, the running from room to room, "mommy can I...?", the dogs, the interruption of meals and nap time, etc. There's a reason why this blog is called The Griffin Zoo.

Anyway, I sit down to take the exam and I draw a complete blank. What I was able to remember was what Madison ate, the movie she begged to watch, and the reason Jake visited time-out. Not at all helpful in passing the class. I did my best but my best isn't going to cut it.

This insanity can't be over soon enough. Rant over.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

zoo reviews: Crayola Color Cyclone

We've been playing outside so much lately with all this nice weather. I decided the kids needed something fun to play with and went closet diving for all those unwrapped summer toys I stashed last year. I came across the Crayola Color Cyclone and decided to give it a shot. It looked pretty easy to operate for both Madison and Jacob so why not right?

WRONG. It was horrible. The kids never got a chance to touch it since it was so hard to add the paint and once I got it "working" it sprayed paint from the top of the contraption all over everyone and everything in a 3 1/2 to 4' radius. Yup, it peppered the kids, the stroller, the two cars, and the deck...stupendous. This is what we were left with after a lot of hard work (notice the spray zone and keep in mind how close you need to stand in order to add paint):

Don't get me wrong, I usually find Crayola products to be well made, fun, and not to mention a life saver (i.e. Crayola Wonder). Sadly, Crayola failed to impress me with this product.

Moms Beware.

Many Thanks!

Many thanks to Michelle for making my blog beautiful! I absolutely love the new look and can't thank her enough. She rocks!

Friday, April 18, 2008

she makes me laugh

This is Olivia's new face these days. I can't help but laugh whenever she does it so now she thinks it's a game.

attack of the ladybugs

Nap time was going well until Madison let out an ear piercing scream. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, convinced that she was seriously hurt. I opened the door to find my little girl running in place, bringing her knees to her chest and stomping her feet hard and quick. I tried to settle her down to find out what was wrong but all I got was a silent cry and a finger pointed toward the window. I looked up to find numerous ladybugs happily exploring her garden themed room. I promptly sent my bug-a-phobic (I'm sure there is a real term for this "______phobia") daughter down stairs to relax as I continued to gather ladybugs. Since I need all the luck I can get right now, I decided to gather them up and toss them out the window. Probably not one of my smarter decisions but at least I didn't kill them. I'm sure I missed a couple and I'll pay for it at 2am when she finds them in her bed but I did my best.

This is not the first time we've had an influx of ladybugs. I just don't know how they are coming in or where they are coming from.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

welcome back girls!

My boobs are mine again!

We had our last nursing session yesterday. We sat upstairs in the rocking chair and had a quiet moment together. I just wanted to end our nursing relationship on a good note. She's taking the bottle now and seems less interested in breastfeeding so it was time and I'm ok with that. Looks like we made the switch at the right time because I noticed this morning that she is cutting her first tooth!

Now Momma has to go find a nice new bra to give the girls a little lift.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

her first ponytail

Today was the first time I was able to put Olivia's hair into a ponytail. She's getting so big!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Under Construction

new decor to arrive shortly with talent and help from Michelle.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rainy Days

Bad weather, bad day!

I went into work only to find that I was starting the day off behind (which is never a good sign of things to come). As I sat down, I heard grumblings of a transfer. Wonderful. I had never done a transfer before. I felt like I was running around in circles not accomplishing much of anything so I had to ask the woman I was relieving to stay and help out. I felt horrible. She ended up doing a 24hr shift just to help me get my head above water. We both busted our behinds to get the mess straightened out and at the end of the day we still didn't feel like we accomplished much even though we were beyond busy - didn't get a chance to pee, busy. I knew I should have scheduled that in.

In the middle of all this I had to deal with a cranky nurse, ridiculous rules, and a patient who needed her call button surgically removed.

What a day!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Project Organization - Day 2

Our bedroom - check.

I folded all the laundry in the baskets and put away my stuff. I left Chris' stuff for him to put away because I hate hearing that he can't find anything. I finally got our suitcases out of our room too (yeah those were used about a month ago).

Kitchen - check.

Chris did the dishes and put away the stuff in the dishwasher and drainboard. I reorganized the cabinets a week ago. He's in there cleaning the floor as I type this.

We're having Jay & Mel over for drinks later tonight. I won't be on much over the next couple days since I have two twelves at the hospital this weekend. Not to mention I have to find time somewhere in there to keep on schedule with the organization project and study for my exam on Monday. Whew...I might have to schedule in time to pee.


Welcome to my new home!

Many thanks to Michelle and her amazing talent for the decor ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Project Organization - Day 1

I started my massive plan to organize and rid my house of clutter. Today I tackled Jake’s room. I packed away his old clothes and organized his bookcase, closet, and desk. His room looks great and is my motivation to continue to Olivia’s bedroom tomorrow. I’m rolling up my sleeves and getting this project done on schedule. I’ll update each day just to keep me somewhat accountable for sticking to the schedule. If all goes according to plan I should have a completely organized house in 14 days which includes days where our schedule doesn’t allow us time to accomplish much. I will be so much more relaxed when I’m finished.

A Ray of Sunshine

My friend D who has been through more heartache than any one person should ever have to endure, has most wonderful news - she’s pregnant! Congratulations D! Much love.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I haven’t updated in a while.

School has been so busy and stressful lately. I have been on the verge of throwing in the towel and admitting defeat for a couple of weeks now. Now that I have student loans, quitting has become an impossibility for me financially and the only thing that keeps me going. I’m taking it day by day now with a whatever happens type of attitude.

Olivia and Jake had their physicals on Thursday. Jake is 32 lbs and 39 inches tall. Olivia is 16 lbs and 27 inches long. The pediatrician decided to tell me that it’s time to give up breastfeeding and give her formula based on her weight. I told him about her bottle issues and his response was “well thats from a lack of determination on your part”. What the hell is that? So now my pediatrician reserves the right to bash me too? I think not. Nothing like making me feel like I’ve been starving my child. I could write about this forever since it’s still a point of frustration but I wont.

Then the Mom’s board that I participate in has gone to hell in a hand basket. Feelings are hurt, people are frustrated and angry, and some have made the decision to leave. I’m so upset that things have come to this. I wish I could make it all better but I know I can’t. All I can do is hope that people reconsider and come back. In the midst of people leaving, you learn your importance or where you stand with them real fast. What a wake up call this has been for me. Things just aren’t what I thought they were and now I feel silly for my apparent disillusions.
Something has to give.