Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Had class tonight. I always dread the first night of a new class for many different reasons. First of all, I can’t stand the childish introductory process. If I wanted everyone to know my personal information, I’d be sure to share or give them the address to my blog. Then, you don’t know who you have for a professor until he comes waddling into the classroom and begins to MUMBLE. I couldn’t understand a word the man was talking about for the full two hours and fifteen minutes of class. I believe he mentioned something about a syllabus, some exams, and a project. Then made a horrifying comment about politics that I almost crawled out of my skin over. He said this: “Black women in America are faced with an extremely difficult decision when they go to the polls as they are torn between Obama and Hillary.” I couldn’t believe that he would make such a generalized statement that a black woman would only vote democrat and on the sole basis that one happens to be black and the other female. Being me, I called him out on the flaws of his beliefs. My blood was boiling at the thought that this man could make such a blanket statement. Maybe I over reacted or maybe I was just excited that I finally understood something that came out of his mouth. Either way, I found it to be a disturbing topic for the first night of class.

Today, I cleared the air with someone I had written off five months ago. I decided it was time I got some stuff off my chest to either begin the journey down the road of reconciliation or to make peace with the break. We both voiced our thoughts on the situation and caught up with each other. In the end, it felt too awkward to say “talk to you later” since neither one of us had made the commitment to mending the relationship. I congratulated her on her pregnancy and wished her luck. We’ll see what comes of it. Either way, I feel a million times better about everything between us regardless of the outcome.

On a side note, I find it humorous that the spell check designed for a blog would flag the word ‘blog’ as misspelled. Interesting.

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