Thursday, January 31, 2008

Busy Bee

I’ve been meaning to update the blog but keep getting side tracked. Stupid chores. In whatever spare time I do have, I’ve been trying to learn how to use my camera to get pictures like Michelle and Girl. They’re amazing. I can only hope to be half as good as them some day. I might try bribing them with plane tickets soon!

In other news…

We’ve been up to our elbows in potty training. No need to go into detail there. It’s been a challenge, just as I suspected it would be Madison. She’s tough. She has been responding well to positive reinforcement. It was my reaction to her peeing at the top of the stairs out of spite that caused her to take a baby step in the opposite direction. I can’t wait for her to be out of diapers already!

Off to gear up for the big game on Sunday. Go Patriots!!!

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