Wednesday, July 30, 2008

finals week(s)

It's that time again! I have been very neglectful of my blog because all my attention has been on my kids, studying, work, and Chris. Yup, in that order too. Notice my house was not on the list of attention getters. Because the house has joined the blog on the "neglected list" you can only imagine what it looks like with three kids running around, two dogs, and a cat - plus we're dog sitting this week so add another dog into the mix. Sure, why not, right?

Microbiology is kicking my butt. I have spent my entire summer studying and stressing and I still might have to retake it next summer which would mess up my nursing clinicals next semester. I want to rip my hair out in large chunks thinking about wasting another summer on this crap. The worst part is that if I don't get the B- I need, I will have only missed it by a point or two at the most. I am so close, yet so far away!

The kids are doing well. Olivia is not yet walking. I brought Madison to get her hair cut really short last week and I thought Chris was never going to talk to me again - although lately that would be a blessing. Madison asked for it short and I allowed it because it's just hair and it'll grow back. It came out really cute! I'll post pictures on my photoblog later. Jacob is gearing up for first grade and we're going shopping for school clothes this weekend. My baby is growing up!

My surgery is coming up (next Friday) and I'm scared to death! All this studying has really helped to keep my mind off of it (kind of).

Stay tuned for grade updates, kid updates, and surgery updates!

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