Monday, March 17, 2008

24hrs of travel on the wall....

We survived!

We left on Thursday March 6th after feeding and bathing the kids and putting them in their pjs. We didn’t tell them where we were going in hopes of eliminating the dreaded cries of ”are we there yet”. Well that didn’t work to our advantage because we ended up with “where are we going?” and “are we there yet?”. Once we hit New York, Jake began to panic so I let him know that we were headed south to visit family and we’d be there in “x” hours. Thankfully, he didn’t ask again. Chris drove the majority of the trip with the exception of the two short times I drove to let him rest. I suck at driving long distances - poor hubster. I think he drove a total of 19hrs. He was so exhausted when we got to our destination that he just passed out. Here’s what our week looked like in the sunshiny state of Florida:

Saturday - We visited with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins and it was so windy I felt like Olivia might blow away if I didn’t keep a firm grasp on her. The weather was okay when the wind died down (68* I think). We watched Bret’s baseball game and went looking at model homes in the area.

Sunday - We continued to look at some houses before meeting back up with my family for dinner and a swim.

Monday - We drove 1 1/2 hours north to visit my grandparents. The kids were furious with us for putting them back in the car. The visit was ok for the most part except that my grandparents don’t really have the patience for small children anymore. I felt bad for them since there really wasn’t much for them to do but get into things and they kept getting scolded by one person or another. After dinner we left to head back south.

Tuesday - We went to spring training (another 1 1/2 drive). Jake was so surprised and happy to be there!

Wednesday - We went to visit our friends John and Anna (yet another 1 1/2 drive). We spent the day with them then went to dinner where Jake showed off his new skill of multiplication and division that we taught him in the car.

Thursday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jake!!!! We had a nice day with him then headed to the beach to watch the sunset. When we got there we parked in Handicap parking as we do when we have Jake since he can’t walk long distances (or at all without his braces on). Someone must have watched us get everything out of the car and carry the kids onto the beach because when we returned to the car someone had written “BULL SHIT” on our window in permanent marker. Nice. I was almost in tears thinking that someone could be so ignorant and hurtful and not to mention ballsy enough to deface someone else’s property like that.

Friday - time to get back in the car and endure the long car ride home! 24 hrs of travel on the wall, 24hrs of travel, take one down, pass it around….23hrs of travel on the wall. On a side note - Madison made it the whole week (including travel) without a single accident!

We got home late Saturday night and have been trying to get back into a tolerable routine. No such luck yet - but we’re certainly working on it.

Here’s some good quotes from our trip:

Me: “Please take Madison to the bathroom”
Chris: ” How am I suppose to do that - I can’t go into the girls room!!”
Jacob: “can we go to Pittsburgh?”
Madison: “No, I don’t want a pittsburger - I want chicken tenders!”
Jacob to Chris “Well dad, I’d like to get there in a timely fashion.”
Jacob “Hey Mom, Look - another Walgreens…they’re taking over the world”

There were many more but I’m pooped

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