Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Great American Pastime

No, I'm not talking about baseball, ball park franks, or cracker jacks. I'm talking about the other great American pastime - DEBT. Americans watch their credit scores about as often as they tune into their favorite sports team. Debt has become the American way.

When I worked retail I found it amazing how many people would open a store card just to save a whole 10% on their purchase. No one ever asked what the interest rate was. Easy points for the store employee who is competing for the most cards opened. After working just one week I could tell who would open a card just by looking at them, deciding whether or not to waste my breath. Soon there after, I learned never to ask a foreigner. They won't do it. They are much to smart with their money.

We Americans - not so much. Want that car? Finance it. Want that house? Finance it. Want to take a vacation? No problem - No Interest, No Payments for 12mos. You get the point. Almost every store you go into in the mall has their own card and their own gimmick.

A related topic: College Tuition.

I've almost recovered from the heart attack I suffered after figuring out how much money I will have wrapped up in student loans when I graduate. Almost. I can't believe how much I'll be paying toward my loans for the first five years of my career. Almost my entire paycheck!!! Now tell me that I won't be absolutely miserable sending that check out each month. It just about equates to being an intern for five years. Wonderful. While I say that I've almost recovered from the heart attack, Chris hasn't. He's a number cruncher, that's just what he does. Having said that, I've heard every which way my hypothetical paycheck will be devoured. How depressing. Today is one of those days where I want to stand on our front lawn waving a white flag.

I surrender.


Michelle Lynn said...

I hear ya. And its worse when all that college tution you are paying didn't even land you a job. Stupid loans.

Kelly said...

I hear ya too! I hate writing that check every month, even more now that I'm not working.

Hf said...

you are so right!

Lynn said...

I'm with you and that white flag. I've been waving that thing for a while now.