Monday, April 28, 2008

the week of finals

Stress, stomachaches, uncontrollable nerves, stress induced IBS, inability to eat, insomnia. Sounds great right? These are just a few of my issues as I prepare for and begin finals.

As I was attempting to prepare for my first exam this morning, all three kids felt compelled create a chaotic atmosphere. This did not facilitate the retention of the study materials I was reading. First the fighting, then the yelling, the hitting, the running from room to room, "mommy can I...?", the dogs, the interruption of meals and nap time, etc. There's a reason why this blog is called The Griffin Zoo.

Anyway, I sit down to take the exam and I draw a complete blank. What I was able to remember was what Madison ate, the movie she begged to watch, and the reason Jake visited time-out. Not at all helpful in passing the class. I did my best but my best isn't going to cut it.

This insanity can't be over soon enough. Rant over.


Kelly said...

(((HUGS))) I hope you did ok! I can't imagine trying to study with my 3 kids. My house feels like a zoo most of the time too. I hope you get a nice break after finals!!

Hf said...

Hope things go okay. I can't even think about trying to study with anyone around.

Daily Verses said...

Good luck! Just think of how wonderful it will feel when you're finished.

Hf said...

hope finals went well, keep us posted )

Michelle Lynn said...

I hope everything went well and you are getting a much deserved rest.